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Scrapper M

Following her mother's death, a resourceful 12-year-old girl, Georgie (Lola Campbell), continues to live alone in their London-outskirts flat. She makes money stealing bikes with her friend, Ali (Alin Uzun), and keeps the social workers off her back by pretending to live with an uncle. It works like a charm until Jason (Harris Dickinson, Triangle of Sadness) shows up. Apparently, he's her father - so long estranged that she doesn't recognise him. Sizing him up as a rubbish dad (absent, messy, can't cook), Georgie wonders why he's suddenly taking an interest. Especially when she's doing just fine on her own, thank you very much. SCRAPPER is a vibrant, joyful, imaginative story that is full of aesthetic energy and heart-warming charm. Dickinson and Campbell bring a magical quality to this father-daughter story of two emotionally tangled people: a grieving kid thrust into adulthood and father in over his head.
Release Date:


Running Time:

84 mins


Charlotte Regan


Laura Aikman, Asheq Akhtar, Olivia Brady, Sam Buchanan, Lola Campbell, Harris Dickinson, Ambreen Razia, Amy Lee Ronaldson, Alin Uzun

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