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Ikiru - 4K Restoration PG

Low level offensive language
A 4K digital restoration of Akira Kurosawa's moving 1952 classic Ikiru. Two shows only! A terminally ill Tokyo bureaucrat, facing the inevitability of his own death, embarks on a profound quest to find meaning in his final days. Abandoning the monotony of his former life, he dedicates himself to creating a public park, hoping to leave a lasting legacy and achieve a sense of purpose before it's too late. "Ikiru is a well-acted and deeply moving humanist tale about a man facing his own mortality, one of legendary director Akira Kurosawa's most intimate films."
Release Date:


Running Time:

143 mins


Akira Kurosawa


Minoru Chiaki, Shin"ichi Himori, Nobuo Kaneko, Takashi Shimura, Haruo Tanaka

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